“Entering their reality” is an approach often recommended for communicating with individuals with dementia. It involves embracing and accepting the person’s perception of reality, even if it differs from the objective truth. This approach acknowledges that the person’s cognitive impairment may lead to confusion, memory loss, and the creation of alternative realities or beliefs.
Here’s a deeper understanding of the “entering their reality” approach:
1. Validation: When someone with dementia shares memories, experiences, or beliefs that may not align with the present reality, it is important to validate their feelings and experiences. Rather than correcting or dismissing their perspective, acknowledge and empathize with their emotions and experiences.
2. Emotional Connection: Focus on the emotions behind their statements or stories. By connecting on an emotional level, you can provide comfort and support, even if the factual details are not accurate. Validate their emotions by expressing understanding and empathy.
3. Avoiding Arguments and Frustration: Correcting or arguing with a person with dementia can lead to frustration, agitation, and a breakdown in communication. Instead, prioritize maintaining a positive and harmonious environment. Redirect the conversation or gently change the topic to prevent further distress.
⦁ If they think their deceased spouse is still alive, it is best not to tell them they have passed. This will only allow them to live through the pain of the passing every time they are told.
⦁ If they are refusing to eat a meal because they must pick up the children, you can say that the children do not have to be picked up for an hour so there is time for a quick bite before leaving. This is a great way of redirecting them instead of telling them there are no children to pick up.
4. Reducing Anxiety and Distress: Entering their reality can help reduce anxiety and distress in individuals with dementia. By acknowledging their perspective, you can provide a sense of security, reassurance, and stability. This approach helps maintain their dignity and well-being.
5. Enhancing Communication: When you enter their reality, you are more likely to establish a connection and maintain effective communication. By meeting them where they are, you increase the chances of understanding and being understood, which fosters a meaningful and engaging interaction.
It’s important to note that entering their reality does not mean enabling harmful or dangerous behaviors. Safety and well-being should always be prioritized. If a situation arises where the person’s safety is at risk, appropriate intervention or redirection may be necessary.
Remember, the goal of entering their reality is to establish a positive and compassionate connection. By embracing their experiences, validating their emotions, and communicating with empathy, you can create a supportive environment that enhances the well-being of individuals living with dementia.